How does your student’s progress report affect his or her athletics eligibility?
School Policy on Eligibility for Sports / Cheer Participants:
Progress Reports and Report Cards indicate extra-curricular eligibility. Each participant in sports and or cheer shall maintain for each academic subject a grade of “C” or higher, a Grade Point Average of 2.00 or higher, and a conduct and effort grade of “B-” or higher.
Students who do not meet these requirements at the time of Progress Reports will be placed on Academic Probation.
A student on Academic Probation has two weeks from the date Progress Reports are sent home to raise his / her grades to meet eligibility requirements. During this time the student is able to attend and participate in regularly scheduled practices and competitions. If a student is unable to meet the eligibility requirements within the two weeks, he /she will be deemed Ineligible.
Students who are Ineligible will be removed from their teams, and unable to participate in Sports / Cheer practices or competitions, until the following Sports Season.